Keywords: Year of France in Japan Stamp.JPG This stamp does not pass from publication for 50 years However the art work which became the original picture of the stamp passes from the author death for 100 years Therefore it is the second creation thing of the work of PD and it is PD en Stamp of Eugène Delacroix - La liberté guidant le peuple ja 日 におけるフランス年を記念して発行された1998年の日 切手 描かれているのはウジェーヌ・ドラクロワによる 民衆を導く自由の女神 である own stamp collection Eugène Delacroix and Japan Post Stamp Issue 1998-04-28 Museum Louvre credit line Author died more than 70 years ago - public domain File Eugène Delacroix - La liberté guidant le peuple jpg La Liberté guidant le peuple RF 129 by Eugène Delacroix on stamps Stamps of Japan 1998 PD-old-100 |