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Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt.
Countless yellow flowers of Cota tinctoria in June
Coreopsis tinctoria
Genista tinctoria in the garden
Yellow flower of the dyer's greenweed or dyers broom, close up, Genista tinctoria
Closed buds and yellow flowers of Cota tinctoria in June
Cota tinctoria, Anthemis tinctoria. Bright yellow flowers that look like daisies against Grass with a blurred background. Beautiful close-up. SOFT OPTICAL EFFECT (lens)
Cota tinctoria (golden marguerite) is a species of perennial flowering plant in the sunflower family. The image was captured during springtime.
A vibrant cluster of yellow Coreopsis flowers with deep reddish-brown centers fills the frame, creating a lively and colorful display. The lush green foliage and scattered wildflowers in the background enhance the natural, untamed beauty of the scene.
Medium to tall, mostly hairless, greyish biennial. stem leaves arrow-shaped, clasping the stem. Flowers yellow, 3-4mm in much branched racemes, Fruit an oblong, flattened pendent silicula, 11-27mm, dark brown when ripe.\nHabitat:: Dry places, cultivated land, waste places, cliffs and rocks, to 2000m.\nFlowering Season: July-August.\nDistribution: Eastern Europe, West Asia. Throughout, except Ireland, the Faeroes, Iceland and Spitsbergen, naturalized probably in most places and persisting as a relict of former cultivation.\n\nUsed by the Greeks and Romans as a medical plant. During the Middle Ages it was widely cultivated for the production of a blue dye, Indigotin, produced by crushing and fermenting the leaves. Still cultivated in gardens today.\n\nThis Picture is made along the River Waal near Nijmegen (the Netherlands).
Massive Green Leaves Of A Chilean Rhubarb Plant, Gunnera Tinctoria, Growing In A Garden
Close up of Golden marguerite flower head with yellow pollen and light yellow petals in a meadow.
Puyuhuapi fjord in the Pacific Ocean, on a rainy day, with nalcas flowers or pangue (Gunnera tinctoria) and fishing boats, Patagonia, Chile
Prostrate to erect, deciduous, spineless sub shrub to 1,5m, often less, very variable. Leaves oval to linear-lanceolate, hairy or not. Flowers8-15mm, in leafy, stalked spikes; standard equalling keel. Pod narrow-oblong, hairless, brown when ripe.\nHabitat: Grassy places, meadows, road-verges and banks, heaths and open woods.\nFlowering Season: June-August.\nDistribution: Throughout Europe, except the extreme north.\n\nLong used as a dye plant - yielding both yellow and green dyes. It is also used as alternative medicine. The seeds are purgative.\n\nThis Picture is made in the Eifel (Germany) in June 2022.
Medium to tall, mostly hairless, greyish biennial. stem leaves arrow-shaped, clasping the stem. Flowers yellow, 3-4mm in much branched racemes, Fruit an oblong, flattened pendent silicula, 11-27mm, dark brown when ripe.\nHabitat:: Dry places, cultivated land, waste places, cliffs and rocks, to 2000m.\nFlowering Season: July-August.\nDistribution: Eastern Europe, West Asia. Throughout, except Ireland, the Faeroes, Iceland and Spitsbergen, naturalized probably in most places and persisting as a relict of former cultivation.\n\nUsed by the Greeks and Romans as a medical plant. During the Middle Ages it was widely cultivated for the production of a blue dye, Indigotin, produced by crushing and fermenting the leaves. Still cultivated in gardens today.\n\nThis Picture is made along the River Waal near Nijmegen (the Netherlands).
Dyer's Chamomile - Yellow Chamomile - Cota tinctoria
Medium to tall, mostly hairless, greyish biennial. stem leaves arrow-shaped, clasping the stem. Flowers yellow, 3-4mm in much branched racemes, Fruit an oblong, flattened pendent silicula, 11-27mm, dark brown when ripe.\nHabitat:: Dry places, cultivated land, waste places, cliffs and rocks, to 2000m.\nFlowering Season: July-August.\nDistribution: Eastern Europe, West Asia. Throughout, except Ireland, the Faeroes, Iceland and Spitsbergen, naturalized probably in most places and persisting as a relict of former cultivation.\n\nUsed by the Greeks and Romans as a medical plant. During the Middle Ages it was widely cultivated for the production of a blue dye, Indigotin, produced by crushing and fermenting the leaves. Still cultivated in gardens today.\n\nThis Picture is made during a long weekend in the Eifel (Germany) in June 2019.
Indigofera tinctoria, also called true indigo, is a species of plant from the bean family that was one of the original sources of indigo dye. It has been naturalized to tropical and temperate Asia, as well as parts of Africa, but its native habitat is unknown since it has been in cultivation worldwide for many centuries. Today most dye is synthetic, but natural dye from it. tinctoria is still available, marketed as natural coloring where it is known as tarum in Indonesia and nila in Malaysia. In Iran and areas of the former Soviet Union it is known as basma. The plant is also widely grown as a soil-improving groundcover.
mother and child in Normandy
Beautiful yellow flowers of Cota tinctoria. the golden marguerite, yellow chamomile, oxeye chamomile. dyer's chamomile, Boston daisy, Paris daisy.
Indigofera tinctoria bears the common name True indigo. The plant was one of the original sources of indigo dye. It has been naturalized to tropical and temperate Asia, as well as parts of Africa, but its native habitat is unknown since it has been in cultivation worldwide for many centuries. Today most dye is synthetic, but natural dye from I. tinctoria is still available, marketed as natural coloring. The plant is also widely grown as a soil-improving groundcover. Some kinds of Indigo are called opium. Such Indigo was grown in British India.
horses don't always obey orders!
Fruit of Gunnera tinctoria. giant rhubarb, Chilean rhubarb. an ornamental plant.
Baptisia tinctoria flower growing in the meadow. Small yellow wildflowers. Beautiful wild floral background.
Anthemis tinctoria EC Buxton - dyer's chamomile flowers in bloom
Medium to tall, mostly hairless, greyish biennial. stem leaves arrow-shaped, clasping the stem. Flowers yellow, 3-4mm in much branched racemes, Fruit an oblong, flattened pendent silicula, 11-27mm, dark brown when ripe.
Faerberhound chamomile, Anthemis tinctoria, is an important medicinal plant with yellow flowers and is widely used in medicine. It is a perennial and one of the Faerber plants.
Macro photo of a dyer woodruff flower, Asperula tinctoria.
Free Images: "bestof:flowers-18521_-_Woad, isatis tinctoria [2568x4183]@G._1_b_132817_"
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