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L11,5-13cm.\nBreeds in untinned, often damp deciduous woods with plenty of dead and dying trees; also in larger gardens and parks with older fruit trees and understory.\nResident. Frequently at bird tables in winter. Fearless.\nDominant over Willow Tit where ranges overlap.\nNest s in cavity (tree-hole made by Willow Tit, nest box, natural hole etc.).\n\nThis is a less frequent Tit than Great- and Blue Tit in the Netherlands.
Caltha palustris, Marsh Marigold, yellow flowers in water of pond, spring blooming
Epipactis palustris is a perennial herbaceous plant. This species has a stem growing to 60 cm high with as many as ten erect leaves up to 12 cm long. The image shows the flower in bloom, captured in the canton of solothurn during summer season.
Short to medium, slightly hairy, rhizomatous perennial. Leaves pinnate, with 5-7 oblong, toothed leaflets. Flowers maroon or purplish, 20-30mm, star-shaped; sepals much larger than the linear petals.\nHabitat: Wet places, meadows, marshes, fens, bogs, ditches and dykes.\nFlower Season: May-July.\nDistribution: Throughout Europe. Locally common.\n\nThis Species is quite common in the described Habitats in the Netherlands.
Mugger crocodile Crocodylus palustris medium-sized broad-snouted crocodile, also Mugger or Marsh Crocodile, native to freshwater habitats from Iran to India, open jaws on the stone in lake.
Marsh warbler, Acrocephalus palustris, bird singing in a field
Short to medium, slightly hairy, rhizomatous perennial. Leaves pinnate, with 5-7 oblong, toothed leaflets. Flowers maroon or purplish, 20-30mm, star-shaped; sepals much larger than the linear petals.\nHabitat: Wet places, meadows, marshes, fens, bogs, ditches and dykes.\nFlower Season: May-July.\nDistribution: Throughout Europe. Locally common.\n\nThis Species is quite common in the described Habitats in the Netherlands.
Dirca occidentalis, or Western Leatherwood, is a deciduous shrub. Huckleberry Botanic Regional Preserve, Oakland, California. Endemic.
Marsh Rabbit - front view
The Marsh Wren (Cistothorus palustris) is a small North American songbird of the wren family.  Gray Lodge Wildlife Area,  Sacramento Valley, California. Butte County.
Closeup photo of Caltha palustris growing on a meadow
Eleocharis palustris, a swamp plant, grows wild on the shore of the reservoir
Close-up portrait isolated on blurred background.
Extreme close-up of Caltha palustris in a stream/ Swamp Yolk Flower / marsh marigold, Nature conservation area, woodland in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Springtime
Marsh marigold (Caltha palustris), the popular riverside perennial.
Marsh warbler, Acrocephalus palustris, bird singing in a field
Marsh yolk flower (Caltha palustris) in a stream, nature reserve, woodland in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Springtime
Kelakai plants (Stenochlaena Palustris) grow wild and abundantly in the tropical nature of Kalimantan
L11,5-13cm.\nBreeds in untinned, often damp deciduous woods with plenty of dead and dying trees; also in larger gardens and parks with older fruit trees and understory.\nResident. Frequently at bird tables in winter. Fearless.\nDominant over Willow Tit where ranges overlap.\nNest s in cavity (tree-hole made by Willow Tit, nest box, natural hole etc.).\n\nThis is a less frequent Tit than Great- and Blue Tit in the Netherlands.
Isolated on blurred background.
L11,5-13cm.\nBreeds in untinned, often damp deciduous woods with plenty of dead and dying trees; also in larger gardens and parks with older fruit trees and understory.\nResident. Frequently at bird tables in winter. Fearless.\nDominant over Willow Tit where ranges overlap.\nNest s in cavity (tree-hole made by Willow Tit, nest box, natural hole etc.).\n\nThis is a less frequent Tit than Great- and Blue Tit in the Netherlands.
L11,5-13cm.\nBreeds in untinned, often damp deciduous woods with plenty of dead and dying trees; also in larger gardens and parks with older fruit trees and understory.\nResident. Frequently at bird tables in winter. Fearless.\nDominant over Willow Tit where ranges overlap.\nNest s in cavity (tree-hole made by Willow Tit, nest box, natural hole etc.).\n\nThis is a less frequent Tit than Great- and Blue Tit in the Netherlands.
A Marsh Wren (Cistothorus palustris) standing on cattails in a marsh in Michigan, USA.
18 july 2024, Basse Yutz, Yutz, Thionville Portes de France, Moselle, Lorraine, Grand Est, France. It is summer. In a grassy area, a Marsh Tit has just appeared in the outer foliage of a bush. It is inspecting the foliage for small insects to eat. The tit is facing forward, but turns its head to the side. It is probably looking towards where it wants to fly. The small bird has a light chest and a black head.
Woundwort stachys palustris
Tall perennial to 2.5m, though often less; stem stout, erect, 4-angled,hollow, densely glandular hairy above. Leaves greyish, the basal ones lanceolate, unlobed to pinnately lobed with a soft spiny margin; middle leaves arrowhead shaped, clasping; uppermost leaves narrow and bract-like. Flower heads pale yellow, 28-40mm, in tight clusters, flower bracts with blackish green glands. Achenes yellow.\nHabitat: Wet places, reed beds by fresh or brackish water, on base rich, peaty or alluvial soils.\nFlowering Season: July-September\nDistribution: Throughout Europe, North to S Scandinavia.\n\nThis is a quite common Species in the Western Part of the Netherlands.
In fall, pin oak maple leaves turn red. Quercus palustris, swamp oak, Spanish oak
Tall perennial to 2.5m, though often less; stem stout, erect, 4-angled,hollow, densely glandular hairy above. Leaves greyish, the basal ones lanceolate, unlobed to pinnately lobed with a soft spiny margin; middle leaves arrowhead shaped, clasping; uppermost leaves narrow and bract-like. Flower heads pale yellow, 28-40mm, in tight clusters, flower bracts with blackish green glands. Achenes yellow.\nHabitat: Wet places, reed beds by fresh or brackish water, on base rich, peaty or alluvial soils.\nFlowering Season: July-September\nDistribution: Throughout Europe, North to S Scandinavia.\n\nThis is a quite common Species in the Western Part of the Netherlands.
A close up of a the winter bud of the longleaf pine. Pinus palustris. Native to VA west to TX south to FL. Horizontal.
Mugger crocodile Crocodylus palustris medium-sized broad-snouted crocodile, also Mugger or Marsh Crocodile, native to freshwater habitats from Iran to India, two reptiles on river bank in Sri Lanka.
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